The new civil war

On my daily commute to work I listen to a few of the news and talk radio stations on XM in my car; I try to spread it around so I can stay balanced on the issues. I prefer Fox News but only because I like their format better than others. I also listen to America Right and America Left. A wise person once told me that the extreme right and left are pretty much the same in their beliefs, they just don't see it. I think its because they have or at least display hatred for each other. Why is this? You can't blame it all on the media for how they report things; it's the politicians, media and individual people who promote and generate this hatred for each other.

I have been saying to my close friends for years that we're in a civil war in this country. It's not a civil war in the sense that shots are being fired and people are dying. It's a civil war of hatred, words and actions. Democrats and Republicans, Left and Right are destroying this country with the partisanship they are promoting. The Left is degrading, insulting and demoralizing anyone who is opposed to their viewpoint on current issues and agendas. The Right was just as guilty when they were in power. Each side is so busy trying to promote their ideology they refuse to hear any other position.

I personally believe that once elected officials take office, they should no longer be considered a Democrat or Republican but rather an American representing a designated population. They are charged with representing the people of their district, not their political party. They are required to vote on items the way the people of their district feel, even if they personally disagree with the majority of their constituents. Was that not the original intent of our form of government representation? Any American Government experts reading this, please educate me if I'm wrong.

I'll get down from my soap box for now. Thanks for reading, feel free to comment with your thoughts.

1st of many

We've been doing a series at church titled Hidden Things for what seems like forever. It's all good though, I'm learning a lot and being stretched in many different directions. The biggest thing I've come to realize is that I'm not a label and you're not a label. What I mean by that is that I'm not a christian, atheist, democrat, republican, murderer, thief, rapist, cowboy, homosexual, trucker, guitar playing freak; the list could go on forever. What I'm learning and holding onto is that I was created Imago Dei, that is, in the image of God. If He sees me as an image of Him, then that's what I am, no label needed or earned. Oh, the freedom this brings! I look at people in a whole different light than I used to. I'm not as quick to judge, condemn or profile people.

I've always believed that words are powerful and can shape the fabric of a person. Tell them they're stupid, or worthless enough times and they will eventually start to believe it. I tried my best to always tell my boys they had value and were amazing. "Tried" is the operative word in that equation. I failed more times than I can count but I feel fairly certain they are the men they are today because of the words I spoke over, and to, them. I do not agree with every decision they make and sometimes wonder that the hell they're thinking but they know I love them and I am proud of them no matter what. I see God this way, He may not be happy or agree with the direction I go in but He loves me because I was made in His image.

Of course this is how I understand things, may not be the correct way or what works for you, but its what I feel God is teaching me at this stage in my life. Who knows where this fantastic journey will take me next week, but its a journey I choose to take.


The Rambling Moose is a series of random thoughts about life, religion, politics and well, pretty much anything I want to write about.